Old Lessons (No Longer Updated)
Note: Due to changes in our church structure, I no longer use this curriculum. I will no longer update this page, but will leave it up for anyone who still wishes to use it.
I wrote a book!
It's called How to Eat your Bible. It's a 44-week-long devotional guide for children, featuring a six-day-a-week reading plan, a short explanation to go with every Bible reading, questions with spaces to write in your own answers, and a daily prayer guide that walks you through the Lord's Prayer. You can check it out at amzn.com/B089TWRZ8P.
Old Testament - 81 lessons
* Due to an error in ordering the lessons, there is currently no lesson for OT 35. When I finish revising all the lessons, I'll then re-number them accordingly.OT 01 God Creates the Universe | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 02 God Creates Man | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 03 The Fall of Man | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 04 Cain and Abel | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 05 Noah's Ark Part 1 | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 06 Noah's Ark Part 2 | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 07 The Tower of Babel | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 08 The Call of Abram | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 09 Abram and Lot Separate | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 10 Three Visitors and Isaac’s Birth | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 11 Sodom and Gomorrah | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 12 Job | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 13 Isaac and Rebekah | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 14 Jacob and Esau are Born | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 15 Jacob, Esau and the Birthright | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 16 Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 17 Jacob's Dream | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 17 B Jacob's Family | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 18 Joseph and His Brothers | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 18B Jacob Wrestles with God | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 19 Joseph's Dreams | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 20 Joseph is Sold By His Brothers | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 21 Joseph Works for Potiphar | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 22 Joseph in Prison | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 23 Pharaoh's Dream | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 24A Joseph Forgives His Brothers Part 1 | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 24B Joseph Forgives His Brothers Part 2 | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 25 Birth of Moses | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 26 Moses and the Burning Bush | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 27A God Rescues Israel From Egypt | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 27B The Tenth Plague and the Passover | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 28 God Parts the Red Sea | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 28B Moses Defeats Amalek | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 29 God Gives Moses the Law | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 30 The Ten Commandments | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 31 The Golden Calf | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 32 Spies in the Promised Land | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 33 Wandering in the Desert Part 1 | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 34 Wandering in the Desert Part 2 | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
* Due to an error in ordering the lessons, there is currently no lesson for OT 35. When I finish revising all the lessons, I'll then re-number them accordingly.
OT 36 The Ark and the Tabernacle | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 37 Rahab and the Spies | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 38 Crossing the Jordan River | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 39 Battle of Jericho | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 40 Achan's Sin | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 41 The Sun Stands Still | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 42 Ehud | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 43 Gideon | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 44 Samson | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 45 Ruth | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 46 Samuel is Born | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 47 God Speaks to Samuel | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 48 Philistines Capture the Ark | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 49 Saul Becomes King | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 50 Saul Disobeys God | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 51 David is Anointed King | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 52 David Plays Music for Saul | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 53 David and Goliath | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 54 Saul is Jealous of David | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 55 Jonathan Helps David Escape | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 56 David Spares Saul's Life | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 57 God's Covenant with David | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 58 David and Bathsheba | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 59 God Gives Solomon Wisdom | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 60 Solomon Builds the Temple | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 61 Israel is Split in Two | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 62 Elijah and the Widow | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 63 Elijah vs. the Prophets of Baal | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 64 Elijah is Taken to Heaven | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 65 Elisha's Miracles | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 66 God Heals Naaman | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 67 God Saves Elisha From an Army | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 68 Jonah and the Big Fish | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 69 Josiah Finds the Scroll of the Law | Resources◀ Revised! ▶
OT 70 The Fall of Israel and Judah | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 71 Daniel and the King's Dream | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 72 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 73 King Nebuchadnezzar's Second Dream | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 74 Daniel in the Lions' Den | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 75 The Temple is Rebuilt | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 76 Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
OT 77 Esther | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
New Testament - 49 Lessons
NT 01 Zechariah and Elizabeth | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 02 An Angel Visits Mary and Joseph | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 03 The Birth of Jesus | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 04 Shepherds Visit Jesus | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 05 Magi Visit Jesus ● Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 06 Young Jesus at the Temple | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 07 John the Baptist | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 08 The Baptism of Jesus | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 09 Jesus is Tempted | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 10 Jesus Calls the First Disciples | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 11 The Twelve Disciples | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 12 Jesus Turns Water Into Wine | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 13 Jesus Calms the Storm | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 14 Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 15 Jesus Feeds the 5000 | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 16 Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Walk | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 17 Jesus Walks On Water | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 18 Jesus Heals Jairus’ Daughter | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 19 Jesus Raises Lazarus | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 20 The Pharisees | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 21 The Great Commandments | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 22 The Good Samaritan | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 22B The Lost Coin, Sheep, and Son ● Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 23 Jesus and Zacchaeus ● Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 24 Jesus Teaches About Praying ● Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 25 The Lord's Prayer ● Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 26 Jesus, Mary, and Martha ● Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 27 The Wise and Foolish Builders ● Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 28 Jesus and Nicodemus ● Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 29 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 30 Jesus and the Children | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 31 The Triumphal Entry | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 32 Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 33 The Last Supper and Communion | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 34 Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 35 Jesus is Betrayed | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 36 Peter Denies Jesus | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 37 Jesus is Crucified | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 38 Jesus Rises From the Dead | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 38B Thomas Doubts | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 39 Jesus on the Road to Emmaus | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 40 The Great Commission and the Ascension | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 41 The Holy Spirit Comes | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 42 Peter Heals a Beggar | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 43 Philip and the Ethiopian | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 44 Saul Meets Jesus | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 45 Peter Escapes from Prison | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 46 Saul and Barnabas | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 47 Paul and Silas in Prison | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 48 Paul is Shipwrecked | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
NT 49 Jesus is Coming Again | Resources ◀ Revised! ▶
Extra Lessons - 4 lessons
These lessons are topical and often shorter ones I use during half-days at church.
EX 01 Who is God?
EX 02 What is the Church?
EX 03 What is the Bible?
EX 04 What is Marriage
AWANA Council Time Lessons
These lessons are about 20 minutes and length and were written in a catechism-style (asking questions and teaching answers.) I don't use them anymore and think I've grown as a curriculum-writer since then, but you are welcome to use them.
Lesson 1: Intro and Rules
Lesson 2: What is AWANA?
Lesson 3: Who or what is God?
Lesson 4: What is sin?
Lesson 5: Who has sinned?
Lesson 6: Who is Jesus?
Lesson 7: How can we have a relationship with God?
Lesson 8: What’s prayer?
Lesson 9: What’s the Bible?
Lesson 10: Does God care who my friends are?
Lesson 11: How Should I deal with mean people?
Lesson 12: Should I tell others about Jesus?
Lesson 13: Should I Talk About My Friends Behind Their Backs?
Lesson 14: Can my words hurt others?
Lesson 15: What is the Golden Rule?
Lesson 16: Does God care what I watch or listen to?
Lesson 17: Should I Listen to My Parents?
Lesson 18: Does God care how I do in school?
Lesson 19: Does God care about the stuff I have?
Lesson 20: Does God Care If I'm Popular?
Lesson 21: What is a Church's Job?
Lesson 22: How can a Christian Grow?
Lesson 23: Year in Review

Faith Kids Bible Lessons by Andrew Doane is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Debra in California